Do you need an appointment to see either a Physiotherapist, a Nurse or arrange a blood test?
You can now book selected appointments directly from our website at any time.

The appointments available are for routine care only, not urgent problems.
Booking links for these appointments will be active for 14 days; the number of appointments for different staff changes day by day, and you may find times when there is no availability. We encourage you to try again on a different day and you will still be able to use your existing booking link to do this, as long as it is within the 14 days. We monitor appointment availability, but if you keep finding no available appointments to book, please telephone the practice.
Physiotherapy Appointments
Musculoskeletal (MSK) team (physiotherapy appointments).
You will need to complete a form describing your symptoms, and then you will be sent a link to book your MSK appointment. The team will look at the information you enter on the form the next working day. If the team feels it would be better for you to be seen by a different clinical practitioner, then we will help to facilitate this practitioner, then we will be in contact (by whichever means)
to help facilitate this..
Our in-house musculoskeletal specialists are first-contact physiotherapy practitioners and can see any patient over 18 years old with a joint or muscle issue. Their focus is to diagnose and offer treatment in one appointment. They can also arrange scans or refer you for further care to the hospital team if required. They do not provide massage or long-term courses of treatment. If you think you need a long-term course of physiotherapy, you can self-refer to the physiotherapy team at the Victoria Infirmary using this link.
Nurse team appointments
Smear tests (Cervical Smear Appointments)
If you are due for your smear test, you will receive a letter from NHS England and a Text message from the practice.
Please do not arrange this appointment before your smear is due, as the Laboratory will not process an early sample. If you have a concern, such as bleeding or discharge, please complete a Patch.
Over 50s NHS health check
For any patients aged 45 to 75 with no pre-existing health condition, a health check can be booked, which includes height, weight, blood pressure check, and blood tests.
This is for patients who already have regular injections at the practice, including B12, cancer-related hormone injections, and contraceptive hormone injections. Please consider when your injection is due, as the nursing team must work to strict guidelines and cannot give you your injection any earlier than prescribed; we do not want to waste your time.
Travel Vaccinations
You will be asked to complete a form with details of which countries you will be travelling to and the dates for your intended travel. The form will be reviewed by our nursing team, who will then be able to advise you on what, if any, vaccinations are required and the timings of when these vaccinations need to be carried out before your travel.
Childhood immunisations
Your child’s first set of immunisations usually takes place at their 8-week baby check, so you do not need to worry about booking an appointment for this set (unless they cannot be given at the 8-week appointment for some reason). Other childhood immunisation appointments can be booked. The nurses must work to strict timelines/guidelines when administering childhood immunisations; please consider this when booking your child’s immunisation appointments as if it is too early, you may be turned away on the day, and we do not want to waste your time. If you are unsure of when the immunisations are due, please call the practice, and a team member can help with this.
Blood tests
You can book blood tests at the practice through our website. For information, we only have one Phlebotomist working at the practice for half a day, five days a week, so numbers for these appointments are limited. If you cannot book a suitable/convenient appointment with the practice Phlebotomist, follow this link to book a blood test appointment at the Victoria Infirmary, Northwich. The Victoria Infirmary has multiple Phlebotomists working daily, so more appointments are available. They also have appointments in the evenings and at weekends.
Blood Tests can only be booked when you have already been given the request form, either from the practice or another medical team. The form cannot be requested on the day of the appointment. Remember, if you have booked a blood test at the Infirmary, you cannot attend without a pre-arranged blood test form. If you think you need a blood test, then you need to complete a patch.
We hope that this will make booking appointments easier and free up the phone lines and reception team for patient support that cannot happen via the website.